I was stuck in all kinds of traffic throughout the city and ran into Laura bonnoit and Laura that used to disciple me. I cried when I saw them...and they both were like "we love you, still friends, come see us!" I haven't spoken to the 2nd Laura in like 2 years. Then there was an accident in front of me where this really geeky guy has his band instruments fall out of his truck or something. His friend is like "go to hell!" Bc i showed no inclinaction of helping. But he ended up falling on my car so i had to push him a bit to help. We got to wherever they were going bc they had some kind of "bumper warranty" and could bring their scraps of whatever (wood things and instruments and random other things) to a warehouse and they could be fixed or sold. So we finally get it all situated and someone hits something as they're calling the guy to come get the stuff and it all falls and basically shatters. I was upset then just like oh well! And someone with us, a girl with long legs, was like well lets go for a walk in that forest thing since we didn't get to the other day! The guys didnt want to bc of the gravel pathway and said it would hurt their feet or something. Well I said we could do it so I tried to jump into the trail but my legs were shorter than everyone else's. And I got caught in some branches and looked down the path which became very mystifying and freaked out. (I kid you not) God reached down, pulled me out of the thicket I was caught in and said "its okay, you will soon be free. Canale." (Apparently God is Italian.) I went home and found out my sister was a dog in disguise bc she was the head of my guard and that the other pplvwherr protecting me too but no one was listening to her and she was frustrated. ....when i woke up I googled the definition of canale and it means a canal, a duct, a passage way for a bullet. Basically a way for something to travel out of.