We had just broken up and it was the first time we were at the same place at the same time again.
The group I was with was going into the Bermuda Triangle and you had to wear these specific blue gym shorts. He was passing them out when a guy I had dated (josh) came up to me after I asked if anyone wanted to play catch phrase.
Josh leaned over me and put his head over my shoulder so that we were cheek to cheek. I didn't move because I didn't think it would matter, plus I liked the closeness. I felt bad, though, because I thought Adrien would be watching and might be jealous and I didn't want to hurt his feelings.
Josh asked me to explain catch phrase to him, and as I did I became flustered and my cheeks gained color. We sat like that for a good while, flirting. I could feel his beard tickling my face the entire time and was all too aware of how amazing he smelled.
Everyone boarded but my legs wouldn't move. I couldn't go up the stairs onto the boat. So I went back down the stairs to where no one was. I ended up at Adrien's apartment some how.
When he was getting ready I was just waiting for him asking about a specific piece he had worked on. He said he had made it from copper but you could see straight through the cup and the other fancy parts inside. I asked him how much he'd be selling it for and he said "Ten."
When I asked for a more specific answer he said "Million." As in $10 million. I was flabbergasted. I tried to talk him into lowering it to $10,000 but he was pretty set on just keeping his amazing cup of perfection.
At one point I couldn't stand it any longer, I hugged him and he hugged me back, holding me for a while.
He got angry after. He said I was already flirting with guys again and we could never work out anyway. I think I tried to talk him out of being angry, but I froze up and couldn't say anything.
When we went to leave I was suddenly in another house from a TV show called "Charmed." The 3 sister witches that lived there were gaurdjng themselves against the triangle. One was using an amulet and it made her see this small demon creature that was following her causing destruction.
They helped me with something, but I dont remember what.
When I was back with Adrien, we were in the downstairs area of his apartment. It was a long hallway where lots of bathrooms and showers were. He went into a bathroom and I followed, But not so that he'd notice right away.
When he came out I was topless fixing my hair in the mirror. No one else was really around so I just rocked it.
When he came out I just looked at him and smiled and walked to the front. I bent over and tried to calmly and smoothly collect my stuff, but I fumbled it and started to get nervous.
Then in my anxiety thinking someone else might see me topless, I woke up.
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