I wanted to be alone, so when a friend asked if I wanted to play volleyball I declined. I decided there were errands I needed to do anyway.
I can't remember what the errands were but I know they were important. I remember thinking no one could know about them.
Anyway, after I was done I went by the vball place to see if they were still playing. As I drove up my friend alex was walking away covered in sand. I stopped and talked to her for a bit. Turns out she was leaving because her husband was having a fit about something he didn't think she'd done right.
I saw like 20 people on the court and only a couple I knew so I decided not to get out and say hi. Instead I told alex to get in and I'd drive her to her car. She hopped in my huge f250 double cab truck.
I pointed out the irony that I was now driving the car she used to drive and she was driving a small car like I had driven, but she was focused on what her husband was texting her. It sounded like just a miscommunication to me.
As I drove to her car I, as I always have in dreams, was having problems with the pedals. It's like I didn't know which pedal did what. I was nervous because their were cops everywhere and I didn't want a ticket.
Finally I figured it out. Then there was a river we had to jump in order to get to her car's parking lot.
I wasn't going fast enough so we barely missed the connection. She yelled as we begun to miss and I panicked. We hit the water and both climbed out. I realized trying to hold the truck up and keep it from sinking would be impossible so I let it sink.
I started crying immediately. I looked at alex and just sobbed and said "another car! I can't believe I did this..AGAIN!"
A cop came up soon after and towed my truck out the small river. I tried to have hope that maybe it was totaled, until I opened the doors and water flowed out.
The thought of calling my mom to come get me instead was unimaginable so I opted to walk home somehow.
Then I woke up in a panic because I was cold. Somehow I had balled my comforter up into a ball and moved it to the top of my bed
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