Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Plea for Accountability (weightloss)

I need some encouragement.

Some how, over the past few months I have become fine with the way I look and my weight. I'm still SUPER unhealthy, and I just don't know how to get motivated.

So I'm asking you, my friends and accountability partners, please help me. Please don't take me out to eat. Please don't offer me bad food. If I ask, "Should I?" DON'T TELL ME I DESERVE IT! Please, don't tell me that.

Now, don't get me wrong, I haven't been doing horribly. I've kept most of the weight I lost last semester off but...well I need to lose a lot more.

Here's my first goal for this semester. 15lbs by Thanksgiving. It's do-able and I even have a countdown on my phone to help motivate me. 15lbs in 64 days. Help keep me accountable, please.

I was reading some of my past posts (by reading I mean the titles as I was editing some things) and saw one that stood out to me "Glorifying God with Every Pound." That kind of kicked me in the teeth, ya know? It's not good. It's not okay. I need to eat better. I need to exercise more. I need to worship God with my heart, mind, soul, AND body. I'm going to try this: waking up at 6am everyday during the week (Monday through Friday) and go for a walk or a bike or the gym. Anything really, just something to get me going. I think I can do it, but I need more self-discipline and I know God is just laughing and saying, "Well here's and idea, but you are the one with the final say on whether you do it or not. I love you." I can do this, but not alone.

I already have one BEAUTIFUL and WONDERFUL girlfriend helping me out. Walking every Monday together and when I feel bad about eating something or want to eat something bad, she's got my back with encouragement.

I'm too young to have all the problems I do. Back problems, knee problems, ankle problems, migraines, asthma, and other things. I seriously sound like a 90 year old woman! Even my chiropractor (who I wish I didn't have to go to) says I sound like an old woman. Not cool.

So, let's get this show on the road!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and He does, so I can.
--Maggie Mae

PS..this post has so given me a new energy! Woop! God is GOOD!

Monday, September 5, 2011

We are NOTHING without Christ, it's really quite simple.

I don't know what has come over me but I feel as though I just have to get this out. God loves us! He loves me and you! No really, I'm serious. He does. And without Him, we are nothing. We have nothing to live for, to strive for. No actual goal of life do we have without Him. He gives us the reason to make it through the day and without Him, what does it matter at the end of the day?

I know some people will say that they actually live for their children or family or school or their job or something along those lines. But what if, just what if, you died. Right now, as you are reading this you suddenly have a heart attack and cannot go on living. What happens then? Isn't the ultimate point of life(not the meaning...well I think not the meaning) to have done something notable and worthy and to live for something with a goal in mind? If we all are to die, which we all will, that goal is kind of that last day, don't ya think? And what happens if the person who did not ambitiously pursue Christ with all they had? Won't they miss the goal? It's like soccer. You don't practice just kicking the ball and running around. The objective is to make a goal. If you don't have that extremely crucial relationship with Christ (John 14:6-7), YOU ARE GOING TO MISS THE GOAL. Literally, the ball (your life) will miss the net. It will not go in. You will not live in eternal bliss with our Father and Creator.

For those that think just kicking the ball around and practicing will get them somewhere in life, you're wrong. All you're doing is running around in circles instead of having an actual goal in life. Those that know that God exists because of being raised to think that or just because they know this life on Earth couldn't exist without having a higher being, don't you realize you will have to answer Him one day? Do you think just not doing all the wrong things will make you "good enough?"

The more I live and think about this subject, the more I am thoroughly convinced that God is real(to clarify, I am a follower of Christ, but as a human I do have my doubting days which cause days like this to be even more glorious!). My heart literally YEARNS for Him. I want Him with me, all the time. I want His joy to overlap my life. I want everything He has for me and sometimes I feel like I get ahead of myself. In fact, a very wise woman spoke with me last night about waiting for God's timing. His timing is everything! It really is. If anything is not in His timing, it is our own stupid and selfish timing. He will provide, we just have to wait. I can't even begin to tell you how unfaithful I have been to Him and how many times I have been adulterous, not in a literal sense, but just as much cheated on Him with some other idol.

Recently this idol has been men. I have so many worthy men in my life! Men who love Jesus with all their being and this is the most attractive thing to me! I feel bad having lead myself on and, likely, others on at times thinking it was "innocent" flirting because I was their "sister in Christ." It makes me want to cry, the dishonesty in that thought. There is no "innocent" flirting. Flirting is to attract. Attraction is to try and get a mate. And to get a mate is far more then I care to think about right now.

I don't even know what I've written here! Really, right now the adrenaline of the Spirit is beginning to relax some, though I still feel completely overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit that has so much wrapped Itself around my heart in this beautiful protective shield so that when the Enemy attacks me, as he has been, I feel convicted and loved and I know what's going on. I am beyond joyful and must restrain myself in public right now, which I am currently in.

Basically, God loves you. His goal as your Father is for you to live eternally with Him in Heaven. Let that goal come to! Put your goals aside and ask Him His goals for your life. I promise they will be much more fulfilling then you could ever imagine. We are NOTHING without Christ. It's really quite simple.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and He does, so I can.
--Maggie Mae