Monday, February 28, 2011

More Time To Come

I don't know why but I just can't seem to wake up!

Other than that, today was a good day. I only messed up once and ate a piece(a small one) of lemon pound cake. Also, instead of eating the fruit or a granola bar, I opted for one of my 100 calorie lowfat yogurts. Gets me my chocolate fix and sweet tooth soothed.

Literally, that and the meals I had were what I ate today. Oatmeal, turkey sandwich, and a lean cuisine. I have coffee also, but it wasn't sweetened and had skim milk in it. And they were iced which makes them burn calories faster, right? Well, sort of. I mean, you burn more calories drinking iced water then room temp, so maybe the same thing applies to iced coffee verses hot? Regardless their the same calorie wise.

So, tomorrow I shall be heading to the gym at some point. I just don't know exactly when yet. Might go after bible study again like I did a few weeks ago. Wednesdays will be taking over Tuesday workouts after this week since I'm not working anymore. Yes, I had to temporarily quit since I'm doing poorly in school. But it's all good because this gives me more time to do homework, work out, and get other stuff around the house done. I can't wait to have more time!

Well, that's all for now.

Pray I can have self-control and not mess up at all for the next few weeks!!! I know I can do this, but I need help.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and He does, so I can.
--Maggie Mae

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rome wasn't Built in a Day

First, my apologies. I have been neglecting my posting. There are reasons behind that, however. My computer broke. I have been without the easy ability to post for almost two weeks. I just recently got a new computer which I am now posting on. I didn't post from my phone because it's super annoying to post long posts when you have a two inch long keyboard.

Now, yesterday was the weigh-in. It didn't make me happy exactly for the numbers hadn't changed since the last weigh-in. This wasn't entirely surprising but I obviously am needing that kick in the butt that only my brother with his fierceness can provide. Yesterday we rode home together to visit are parents. On the way he asked about my weight and the change in it or lack there of. With telling him what I found out that morning, he has decided to tell me that he wants me to eat a particular diet. Not just trying to eat less sweets and calories, but as in he gave me an exact meal plan. Here's what he told me to eat everyday:
Breakfast- Oatmeal and 1c milk
Snack- granola bar of my choice
Lunch- lean turkey sandwich on wheat bread (and a slice of cheese if i choose)
Snack- fruit(apple or orange)
Dinner- Lean cuisine with a slice of wheat bread
Snack- 1tbsp of peanut butter
and 1c of milk after workouts instead of two.

He also changed my workout to 8 intervals on the elliptical instead of 5. I've already started these and wow is it a change! I am not slightly damp from the workout after but I am now completely drenched! It's a great feeling. As weird as it is, I feel like the more I sweat the better I worked out.

Also, this past week I couldn't do any upper body workouts seeing that I pulled a muscle in my shoulder/chest area. Wasn't too great. But I did start leg-pressing a lot more weight than before. I am now pressing 220lbs. It's crazy! Along with that, I can't remember if I said yet or not, but I started doing different upper body stuff. I don't know all the exact names but I pull down on one and pull up on another and push up(ish) on the other one. My arms are so weak! I'm really hoping that these workouts can help my arms get some muscle they desperately need.

As far as eating has been concerned the past few weeks, it's been rocky. The last time I weighed in, I had been eating really poorly which is why I gained weight. This time was better, but I hadn't been getting to the gym 3x's a week. This is all about to change. I AM going to go to the gym 3x's this week and I AM going to eat what my brother has told me(at least for a couple weeks to see what happens).

The way I see myself eating right now is more along the lines of I've already lost the weight. I can't look at it that way. I still haven't lost the weight. I still have to be diligent. I have to be consistent.

In short, this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Pulling my grades up and getting TOPS back was simple in comparison. Learning to drive, getting through high school, suffering breakups were all simple in comparison. This is literally the hardest thing I have ever been faced with in my life. I have to keep telling myself that I didn't become overweight over night and I'm not going to lose it all over night either. Just this thought makes me anxious. Living in an instant gratification world, the thought that this is going to take longer than I ever wanted it to, but it has to be done. One thing my brother said yesterday was, "Might as well get this over now early in your life rather than waiting."

So, let's do this thing. I'm going to continue to climb this Everest of mine. Now that I have computer, I can post more. The encouragement y'all gave me in the beginning when I was on track and posting a lot helped me so much. I really appreciated that.

Please please please pray with me that I can exercise my self control and that I can climb this mountain and conquer it.

I CAN do all things in Christ who strengthens me, and He does, so I CAN.
--Maggie Mae

Friday, February 18, 2011

Good Reports

I know, it's been a while, but my laptop broke so my ability to post frequently isn't there.

But I have good news, I'd say I've been eating very well this week. Much better than the last two. There's not even anything that stands out in my mind that was so horrible I'd have to report it. That makes me smile. =)

More good news, now that the weather is nicer, I'm riding my bike around campus to get from class to class and to my car instead of taking the bus. Also, my workouts are increasing in intensity. My brother came with me to one of my workouts this week and basically changed everything. I'm now doing 200lbs + on the leg press lying down rather than the easier more inclined position, I'm doing back to back arms with the pull down and a pull up machine, and he changed one machine to a different one that works you out better. The only thing that stayed the same was cardio(which he still increased on the crossramp of the elliptical) and the hamstring curls. This improved workout makes me super sore! My arms are like jelly for days and my knees are tired and so is everything else in between. It's good though, really good.

I really like riding my bike now. Its slowly getting easier but I'm still no where close to where I should be.

Well, I think that about does it!!! You're all caught up. I'll try to post again tomorrow if I can get to a computer. I'm on my phone right now.

Please pray that my weight decreases and I decrease in size and increase in self-esteem and confidence!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and He does, so I can.
--Maggie Mae
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Well, I gained 1.6 lbs, which over 2 weeks isn't horrible. Especially since I know I was eating badly.

So, I'm going to do better. Just a little trip up. Time to get up and brush myself off and keep going!

Alrighty, I'll post again later today. Just wanted to update y'all.

Pray for self control and the ability to remember that saying no is a good thing when it comes to eating healthy!

I can do a things through Christ who strengthens me, and He does, so I can.
--Maggie Mae
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Friday, February 11, 2011


Its been two weeks which means tomorrow is weigh-in. I'm nervous because I know I ate poorly the past two weeks. Yesterday I did great, today was okay. I'm just trying to not get discouraged. My workouts are still consistent and I'm doing better with eating than last week so we'll just have to wait and see....

Pray I've lost a good amount and that I not be discouraged if I didn't.

Good night!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and He does, so I can.
--Maggie Mae
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Good Day =)

After some encouraging chastisement by my brother this morning because of how I've been eating, it's been a good day, I'd say.

Woke up on time, ate a good oatmeal breakfast with milk, coffee, class, workout(oh and it was a good one!), lunch, and then work.

My workout was so good because I realized I have to up the resistance level on my intervals on the elliptical! That's a sign of me getting in better shape! My heart rate is kind of plateauing at 175-180 and it's harder to get it up, which simply means I'm getting healthier! It's pretty exciting for me if you ask me....=)

Also, I didn't eat anything super-duper unhealthy today. The only thing that could be considered unhealthy(barely) is the kettle corn I ate. Kettle corn, for those of you that don't know, is popcorn that's just a little sweeter. It's popped from a different type of corn or something. Then again I could be wrong and they sweeten it at the factory. Regardless, it's 130 calories for a cup. I don't know if you've ever measured a cup of popcorn, but it's quite a bit. So after dinner, I ate that. It was a good sweet-tooth satisfier and a good dessert.

Also, I drank lots of water today. Which is good even when you're not trying to lose weight.

Pray I can get some more self control and discipline in my life!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and He does, so I can.
--Maggie Mae

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I've noticed that without posting at least once everyday, I do not so great with my nutrition. I still workout 3 days a week, but I'm learning it doesn't have to be the same three days every week. I can vary it as long as it's 3 days and being every other day with a 2 day rest some where.

So, to fix this problem, since I ate absolutely horribly today, I am going to post(or at least do my absolute best) everyday. Even if it's just a "I did really good and didn't eat that snack." I have to do this. I'm realizing this is my accountability and that without it, the weightloss won't be as big or as satisfying. I simply need to do this. That simple.

That brings me to confession time. Today I ate a plain bagel, potato chips, and brownies. I don't want to even think about how many calories I consumed today. Yesterday I ate cookies and a half a brownie. The day before that(slightly justified by my workout) I ate pizza.

That's only the last few days. The past week has just been bad for me. I still am exercising so I know that my accountability doesn't effect that. But man do I need to post about my food struggles! It's weird, but if I know I have to post about it later, the fear of disappointing a bunch of people is there and so it's easier to say no.

The workout I just mentioned that justified the pizza was a biking experience. My brother and I went to Tunica Hills to go biking. It was extremely hilly and very difficult for me. The weird thing is, I'm thinking of going back. My butt hurt like crazy the next day, but it was worth it. I'd like to get strong enough to go up most of the hills actually on my bike and not walking my bike up them(which was still a test). It was a great thing to do on a nice Sunday afternoon and even though it was painful, I want to go again. My second helping of pizza was also justified in the fact that my brother offered it AND ordered it. I mean, if the trainer says it's okay, who am I to argue?

Alright, that's all the time I have right now. I need to get in bed so I can be rested for my long day of school, workout, and work tomorrow!

Pray I can keep up my accountability and that I can make better choices in the future and say no even if the bagel came with the salad.....

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and He does, so I can.
--Maggie Mae

Saturday, February 5, 2011

First week of February

This week was a rough one indeed. I just didn't eat as well as I should have. I knew I wasn't eating completely well, but I slipped back into the mindset of, "Well, I've already messed up so I guess it doesn't matter," or "I'll just have one...." Leading me to eat a lot of sugary treats and things I normally would have denied instantly. Granted, I still don't think it was anything close to before I started this. I did eventually catch a break and stopped myself before consuming bad foods.

I'm trying to think of something that could have triggered it and the only thing I can come up with is it was my "time" of the month. All of my hormones and cravings were in full swing and my sweet tooth monster comes out to attack. But I'm doing much better right now.

So here comes another change! I will no longer be working out on Thursdays, but on Fridays after my class gets out. My class ends at 10:30 and I will likely spend some time with a friend for a bit after as she's in the same spot every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10:30-11:30. So, if you can come with, great!

I feel like my schedule is constantly getting busier! Lots and lots of homework to do! That's the main reason for not posting much at all this week. The time I do have not doing homework, being in class, or working is spent watching "Desperate Housewives" or sleeping.

Well, I better get back to work! Look out for some more posts later in the week. And next Saturday I will be weighing-in for the first time in two weeks!

Pray I can keep the Sweet Tooth Monster(STM) at bay this week and that everything I need to get done gets done!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and He does, so I can.
--Maggie Mae