Wednesday, April 2, 2014

She took my baby

I was going into class after dropping Camille Elizabeth off (my daughter from a previous dream). When I got into class my friend Sam was in there and she had seen pictures.

I was telling her how I was going to bring Camille with me to volleyball that night because my husband had work. Sam said that she had been wanting to see Camille and would love to look after her. I said sure that was fine, but Sam insisted we go get her right now before class. I kept trying to understand her urgency but I just didn't. She wanted to come with me and skip class to get Camille so Sam could immediately see her and play with her.

I was really relaxed so I went to go get Camille. I told Sam she could get her after class was over and I would pick her up sfter my game.

I played volleyball from 630-8 and Sam hadn't called to ask anything about Camille.  I tried to call Sam to tell her I was ready to get Camille back, but there was no answer. I went to my friend Abigail's house because we had all been planning to meet there anyway. Sam wasn't there though and still no one had heard from her.

I started getting frantic wondering why Sam wasn't answering. I asked Abigail to call and she got no response as well. Then I begged Abigail, who was trying to calm me down, to call Adam - Sam's boyfriend. As we were about to call he pulled into the driveway without Sam.

He told us he hadn't been able to contact her either and he thinks she left town with the baby.

I immediately broke down and cried hysterically. My brother pulled into the driveway and I ran up and started crying in his arms saying she took my baby over and over. He didnt know I had had a baby- none of my family did.

We began an investigation and I called the police. I gave the most accurate description of Sam I could.

I searched for my own clues obsessively.  I found the car attachment to camille's carrier so I knew Sam had used just the carrier in the car rather than the full thing. 

Then some people were at our neighbor's house and I knew theybwere related to it all. I tried to run after them to catch them and make them talk but they hopped a fence ad kept running.

I kept crying, wondering if I'd ever see my sweet Camille Elizabeth again. She was only with me for such a short time and then stolen from me.

The dream ended in a smokey haze.

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