Friday, March 7, 2014

My Leg Needs to be Amputated

I woke up in my dream. I knew I was late for something and for a moment I was aware I was dreaming and made a mental note to blog about my inception dreaming as it happens often.

We had decided to go to the lagoon. Chantal, myself, my brother, and Chantal's ex. Somehow he had wiggled his way back into our lives and was going to take her to this formal thing that was happening on the lagoon later. At first she wasnt cutesy with him, but when they became cuddly I couldn't not say something.

When we docked at the lagoon, we went to explore the island. There had been talk of the natives not getting along with the alligators and crocs. There was even rumors of one of the leaders having his leg bitten clean off. I thought how horrible that would be and imagined myself in that scenario.

I had told off Chantal's ex at some point and he had gone back to the boat. He said he would just wait but I was paranoid so I hurried back to the boat and asked my brother and chantal to hurry ad well. What if he had stolen the boat?! What if it wasnt there?! It would be so expensive to get back. Chantal kept saying it was going to be there and Dan wouldn't steal it.

Fortunately is was there, but he was on it so I jumped into the water because I didn't want to take my time getting there. I wanted to make sure he didn't steal the boat. Him and I fought over whether he could even take chantal to the ball thing. Eventually she agreed with me and told him it wasnt going to happen. He pouted the rest of the time until we were back home and he disappeared.
There was some point when the dream transitioned to my being with my more country friends in baton rouge in the outlying areas of LSU. I had this revelation that my leg would be bitten off.

I wanted to do everything in my power to avoid that, but somehow I ended up back at the lagoon. The tarzan-like friend I had told me stories of the alligators. The tribe leader had warned me. I was being careful until my canoe/kayak flipped into the water and I tried to climb onto a big leaf. The tribespeople came to help me until I said how the alligators were being tricky today. They ran off saying had I said crocs they'd stay to help me but the alligators here were ruthless.

I started to panick and tried to go up a tree. Immediately the alligator jumped from the water and bit down hard on my leg. It let go instead of pulling me with it.

My leg remained attached but I dared notnlift my long denim skirt to see the damage. I knew there would be ligaments and tendons and flesh hanging. Somehow I got back to my "friends."

One of them was named Kristin. She knew how bad my leg was and said she was going to call the ambulance.  We kept seeing the ambulance and fire trucks passing every few minutes going this way and that. She said they wouldn't answer the call anyway bc they were so busy so she would wait to call. I had no say so because I had lost my phone in the lagoon and couldn't walk.

Later when we were with other friends, Kristin left me with them. No one really knew about my leg so they thought when I was trying to say my leg was going to probably have to be amputated, they just ignored me.

I kept trying to interrupt but country men are difficult to interrupt and convince them of something they dont believe. At one point when I started to get very scared because we were around a bunch of ditches and bridges I knew I would never be able to get back over, I yelled at them,"MY LEG IS GOING TO HAVE TO BE CUT OFF UNLESS I GET TO THE HOSPITAL ASAP BECAUSE AN ALLIGATOR BIT IT EARLIER!" They all stopped and stared at me in disbelief until they realized the truth in my words.

They looked at my foot and saw it swollen and purpley. They saw where the road was (over ditches and small little 2 x 4s that held the bridge steady). Immediately they became my crutches. We tried to walk back to the road to be able to call an ambulance. I was scared they'd want to carry me across the ditch. I didn't want them to have to carry me because I weigh so much I was afraid they might drop me.

Somehow we ended up at some offices. I was put on a bench and told to wait. My foot had started feeling "asleep" by now and I knew I'd more than likely lose my leg.

It hurt so badly and I was so scared. When the ambulance still didn't show, I went to the receptionist and harshly and directly told.her to call the ambulance NOW. Not in a few minutes but now because my leg needs attention immediately. The girl.that had helped me to the desk saw people she knew and one of them told the other she looked good and must've lost weight. One told me the same and suddenly my "crutch" was upset no one had said anything to her. Fearing she might peace out, I quickly said I had noticed but didn't want to say anything if not.

I then had to go to the bathroom so I somehow made it to them. A strange guy from a tour group was going to. He was talking to my in the stall and tell me I picked a good one or something. When I finally was able to leave and rejoin my waiting for the ambulance...which I had resigned myself to the knowledge it was never coming...I was washing my hands and heard strange noises. I turned around and the guy was masturbating heavily in the stall. I left the bathroom as quick as I could.

When I got back to my bench, Leonard from big bang theory was there and was explaining to me/penny that was the guy's restroom because in nerdom a sword on the door means men.

The dream ends.

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